Us in Florida

Us in Florida

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas fun has come and gone....

Well, Christmas has come and gone once again for the year. The hustle and bustle of shopping, wrapping and cookie baking is finally over, with huge sigh of relief for another 340 days or so.

Now, we're onto figuring out potential names, debating the birth plan, and more than anything just plain adjusting to the fact that we'll be parents of 4 children within 7 months or so. WOW!

Jessica is currently in week 12 of approximately 40. Here's a blurb of what's going on inside:Your little one is around two whole inches long and their head is starting to lift a bit as their neck straightens. What's more they're practicing breathing using amniotic fluid and they've developed their sucking reflexes. She's starting to notice a little more snugness in her SilverTab jeans, and her shirts are getting tighter and tighter around the mid-section weekly it almost seems. She sold all of her maternity clothes from Teagan, and most of them from the twins, so needless to say; the gift card from her Mom & Step-Dad went straight to Old Navy's maternity department. So, she'll be sporting a semi-new wardrobe in the coming weeks :~)

Not only have her clothes gotten snugger, but her fingers have swollen (or so she says) to the point where her wedding ring no longer fits. I solved this problem with her first complaint with Teagan: I bought her a different ring to wear. Therefore, if you run into her, yes we're still hitched. No, her wedding ring isn't lost. No, her wedding ring is not fitting the pregnant sausages.

As I type this, I'm asking Jessica if she'll ever write/post anything here.

She claims its "a little weird, I'm not gonna lie, if it was a journal for just me to read I'd be fine---but everyone can see it." I say, "Oh well, people this day and age enjoy reading and living vicariously through others."

So, please talk her into posting on here, I can't do it all myself!

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas! We'll post pics of the kids from Christmas night soon.

Until next time,

Jess----and a peeking over the shoulder Jessica

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Well, here goes....




Hello everyone! As you all, or most of you know, we're expecting our 4th and final baby in July of 2011.
This was a surprise to us, and I'm sure some of you probably didn't bat an eye when you found out. We always said we wanted to have at least 3 kids, but never imagined in a million years we'd end up with 3 in 2 pregnancies.

So, this past summer the baby itch started again for both of us, but we quickly brushed it off because of Jessica starting school, our trip to Florida, and moving. It just didn't seem like it was the "right" time to start trying again. We both knew from our past experiences that there really wasn't any trying involved persay, especially with the easy time we had conceiving with the twins. It was discussed more and more, and we decided to start "trying" in July of 2011, but if something happened before then, then it did.

With it decided to start "trying" in July of 2011, we kind of put the idea out of our minds of a new baby any sooner then April of 2012. Florida came and went, Halloween came and went, and Jessica's monthly visit from her Aunt Flo didn't come. After Teagan, I have a sixth sense of sorts to keep an eye on these things. I mentioned something to her near Halloween, she didn't think anything of it. I said something about a week or so later, and she said I'll give it a little bit yet.

A few weeks before Thanksgiving, I said "Maybe you should take a test." She went and got some tests and took one, it was negative. A few days later she took another, negative; we began to think it was stress related. About a week later, I said something again, and I had bought more tests. She took one the day before Thanksgiving while I was at work.

She messaged me and said "I'm going to pee on a stick again."

I said, "Ok, just let me know." I had a sneaking suspicion it would be positive a long time ago but it never was.

She messaged me about 3 minutes later while I was finishing up work and ironically I was going to turn in my 2 week notice this day prior to clocking out for the day. It was a picture of a pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test. I showed my co-worker, she screamed. This scream could be heard echoing the halls of the nursing home, which in turn summoned several of my co-workers to find out what the commotion was about. Within a few minutes, the majority of the people I work with knew that Jess & Jessica were expecting again.

I got home from work, and we discussed we weren't going to tell the kids until Christmas day/night when they open their presents, and we do something fun to tell them they'll have another baby. However, it was a little more difficult to not tell other people. Jessica was nervous to tell her parents. I told her the damage is done, not a whole lot we can do about it now. By that evening everyone knew.

We're still trying to adjust to the fact that we'll quickly be the parents of 4 kids under the age of 5. Its a true blessing, but also something I never imagined.

This blog is going to follow the ups, downs and all-arounds from both of our perspectives through the pregnancy journey. We'll post pictures, weekly updates from both our angles and what we find out from the doctor.

Hope everyone enjoys this!! It'll be a fun ride!
