Us in Florida

Us in Florida

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring has finally sprung....or has it?

Hope everyone is doing well! Sorry, once again its been so long since we've posted anything. Its been nuts around our house!
Jessica started her new position April 1st as Director of Residency at Our House Memory Care, so she's been rather busy trying to learn the ins and outs of that. A lot of it is similar to when we owned the group home, but there's still more to learn since its a corporation rather then a small business.
I'm still at the Vision Clinic, and its going fairly well. Some small kinks here and there, but overall I'm enjoying it.
The kids are growing quickly, and are getting more and more excited to finally get outside and enjoy the nice weather! Colton & Hayden turned 3 (yes, its hard for you to believe, imagine how we feel!) on March 21st. They'll be moving into "big kid" beds once the weather is nicer and we can shampoo the carpets and open windows, etc. Its been decided that since we dont want Hayden to wake the baby up, or vice versa, that Colton & Hayden will be sharing a room again once the baby arrives. It was completely out of the question for Teagan to have a roommate, since she never has. Afterall, she is our baby!
My Aunt brought up a good, and valid point to Jessica and I: we have designer birthdays for 3 of our 4 children. Colton & Hayden were born on the 21st, and now this baby will be born on July 21st. Therefore, we'll have some rather interesting years ahead of us when they hit 21! I told Jessica we should start saving our pennies now for bail money since their Golden Birthdays will land on the 21st....kind of corny, I know.
Here's a little about where baby is at right now:
It's another week full of exciting developments for your magical growing baby!
Just take a look at the checklist for this week: 1) ears: done; 2) fingernails: done; 3) (if you have a boy) testicles: taking their 3-4 day trip from the abdominal wall to the scrotum; and 4) lungs walls: secreting “surfactant”.

~length11.8 in | 30 cm
~weight1.3 lbs | 590 g

What’s surfactant? It's basically what it sounds like: a surface-activated fat that helps your baby's little lungs inflate (where inflate = fill with air not get more expensive for no understandable reason).
In the meantime, your submerged baby is still breathing in their amniotic fluid (and a bit of pee), preparing and rehearsing their lungs for an oxygen-filled life outside the womb.
By the end of this week, your wee womb-squatter will be weighing in at a whopping 2 lbs and 14 inches long.
All this new weight means your tiny baby is actually starting to fill out their skin, but they're not anywhere near their adorable fat-baby potential.
Most of the fetal “filling out” is coming up in that long awaited (and slightly dreaded?) third trimester. Woo-hoo! Get ready!

Jessica had an appointment on the 5th of April, and everything was good. Baby's heartrate was 153, and she is growing like she should be. Next time: gestational diabetes testing. Jessica is so excited about this, she could barely contain her enthusiasm as the nurse told her about it.

I'm still working on getting her to allow me to take baby bump pictures, whether it happens, I honestly dont know. Although, it wouldnt be a true "baby blog" if she doesn't let me!

Hope all is well in everyone's life!

Until next time,

Jess (who is typing this from work) and Jessica (who is at work also)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm seeing lots of PINK lately!

3D Image of Baby's Hand near its face, can't make out the face though
Hey everyone! Sorry its been so long since I've updated, lots has happened since the last time and its been hard to get on here to let everyone know whats been going on in our little nutshell of a life.

3D Image of Baby's Hands (on the left)
To start out, Jessica applied for an Assistant Directors position within the same company she's currently working for. The position would be either in the current facility she's working in (memory care) or in the other facility (assisted living). I think deep down she would prefer to be in memory care where she knows the residents, resident families, and staff and has that repoire with them. She'd be 'in charge' of hiring and firing for her building, doing all the admissions and a lot of the same stuff we both used to do at our group home in Rockland. Deep down, I'm hoping she gets it! It would mean more time for us to be with the kids, and each other with weekends off and she'd be home most nights by 5 or 6pm.

My job is still going great! I love the people I work with, and the decreased level of stress has been fantastic compared to where I was at. I'm thinking/looking at going back to school for something completely out of the box for me; a probation officer. Yes, you read that correctly, a probation officer. I have experience working with AODA (alcohol and other drug abuse) related clients and have some informal counseling background, so I think it would only be a logical step for me. Nursing is a passion, but I dont know if its something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. I dont know as though I can see myself doing any one thing for the rest of my life. Does this mean I'm never going to grow up, because I still dont know what I want to be when I get older? I hope so!

We had a rough week the middle of February when we found out a close friend of ours was in a tragic accident. It kind of put a damper on both Jessica's and my spirits for about a week. It made it hard for us to both focus on much of anything other than how he was doing, how his wife and kids were doing, and lots and lots of praying. He's still in the hospital, and we're still continuing to pray for a full recovery every day.

The kids are doing well, hard to believe Teagan is going to be 4 and a half in a few weeks, and Colton & Hayden will be 3 near the end of the month. Jessica's OB (Dr. Bell) made a valid point today in her appointment. He also has twins, and he said that its not always about calling them twins because then they're always referred to as a pair, never individuals. They always have that stigma of being part of a set. It kind of stuck with me, and hopefully we'll be able to refer to them as Colton & Hayden more often so they can become one in their own, rather than a pair. 

Onto the good stuff....
Jessica is doing quite well, minus the back, leg, and hip pain. She says Colton laying on her hip really messed it up from when she was pregnant with them. Her fatigue is starting to wear off somewhat, but she still is rather tired---I dont know a single pregnant woman who isnt tired! She has only gained 2 pounds with this pregnancy, so in that regards she's doing extremely well. Today she had her 20 week ultrasound, and yes, we found out what we're having. As you read from the title, I'm seeing a lot of PINK lately. Another girl! I told Jessica I'm going to take poor Colton for a weeks vacation every month once the baby is born just to get out of the estrogen filled home, and I told her we're getting another male dog to help even this house out some more.

Here's a blurb of where Jessica and Baby Girl Betts is at:

~length10 in | 25 cm
~weight8.5 oz | 240 g
Your favorite womb-hijacker is suddenly huge, at 10 inches in length!
Pick your jaw off the floor mama. Yes, your wee baby IS bigger this week, but only because we're now able to measure their little legs which have straightened out enough to be measured accurately.
Just in case the random medical details weren't confusing enough already, it's standard practice to measure fetuses from head to toe in the second half of pregnancy, rather than from crown to rump as we did in the first half.
Week 20 is actually when most people transition the measurement over, but we thought you'd appreciate knowing a week early.
This week your lil' fetus will start digesting the extremely appetizing diet of amniotic fluid and baby wee, as they are now capable of swallowing, digesting, and passing the fluid as far as their tiny "large" intestines.
Fortunately for you, the solid waste by-products will build up slowly into a tarry lump of baby-poop and won't be coming out while they're still in your womb.
Some time shortly after your tiny poop factory is born, this fun lump will become the first in a verrrrry long production line of baby poops.
What finally comes out - commonly known as "meconium" to the science world, will be black and sticky. By the time you're done dealing with their tar poops, you'll be relieved to see that first sweet-smelling-but-runny breastmilk poop.

Baby Betts' foot
Profile view of Baby Betts
I cant wait until I can finally start to feel the little one kicking and punching. Although from the ultrasound, I dont think she'll be doing much punching. She had her hand upto her face/mouth most of the time, like she was sucking her thumb?! Not sure I'm so keen on the idea of having a thumb sucker after the experience my parents went through with my sister sucking her thumb; and it really messes up the teeth! As if having three girls isnt going to be enough with prom, ball, and I really can afford to pay for orthodontics because this one wants to suck its thumb! Although, I did tell Jessica it will save on the cost of nuks!

I suppose, thats more than enough for now. Next post, I believe we'll be adding baby bump pics!

Stay warm! Winter is almost over with!

Jess...........and Jessica who happens to be on her way home from work!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February how time flies!

Hey Everyone! Sorry its been so long since we've posted anything, but with me starting a new job (yay!!!) and Jessica taking a few online courses it gets a little hectic around here. Not to mention raising three devilish children!

Time is just flying, hard to belive its already February 1st! Soon, hopefully sooner than we think or know the snow will start melting and the grass and trees will start to bloom. Can you tell by chance I'm sick of winter?

As most of you know, I'm not at the nursing home any longer. It was time to move on, although I miss the people I worked with and quite a few of my old residents. I've moved onto something I once enjoyed, and figured I'd try my luck at it again to see if the enjoyment was still there.

We're also venturing further and further into a passion we both share: photography. We've been thinking about going further with it, but don't know just the avenue to take, or the steps to take that avenue. We'll slowly get there though, and it'll take off like a flash of light (no pun intended!)

Jessica had an appointment today; I didn't get to go with because of work, but from what she has relayed to me, everything is on track! She gained 3 pounds, is measuring right on for where she is (14 weeks 5 days), and the heartbeat was 150 a minute. As stated in previous postings, Jessica will have to have a c-section because of her two previous pregnancies. Tentatively, Dr. Bell is considering July 21 as the D-day, this may change. I'm not sure how I feel about knowing the exact day our child will be born. I know it was that way with the twins too, and I got over it, but its still something I never imagined we'd be able to do. Her next appointment is scheduled for March 1st, and it will be the all-prevailing ultrasound to determine whether Teagan, Colton & Hayden will have a baby brother or a baby sister!

Here's a little blurb about where she is in her pregnancy journey:

~length3.5 in | 8.9 cm
                ~weight                                                            1.5 oz | 42 g
Now that we're in tri-two, are you ready to rock-n-roll?! Okay, okay, maybe just a little waltz will suffice, seeing as you're in a family way and looking like you need a nap.
At about 3.5 inches long, your peach-sized baby's little body and limber limbs are coordinated enough for loads of complicated motions.
In fact, it's very likely that they're in the middle of some fancy break-dance moves right now!
Unfortunately, you're not going to feel their fancy moves until sometime after week 18 because they're still too small to trigger sensations in your uterus. Their movements are recognizable on an ultrasound, though.
Speaking of which - you could schedule a gender ultrasound with your health care provider, if you're interested in knowing whether you're carrying a boy or a girl break-dancer. Or you can keep it a surprise till their birthday!
FYI: Weeks 16 - 18 are the first dates where the presence or lack of a penis and testicles can be clearly detected via ultrasound.
Your baby is also starting to develop the ability to move their eyes this week, although their eyelids remain fused shut for another three months.
Cute development of the week: their little hands can grasp at things and your wee babe can already suck their thumb!

Hard to believe its already that big! She said she thought she felt it move the other day, but it could have possibly been gas. Although, now that its her 3rd pregnancy, she's more in tune with her body and the feelings the baby creates.

Pretty soon we'll be taking weekly baby bump pics to post for all to see, whether she likes it or not!

Hope everyone is doing well, and staying safe during the Blizzard out there. Luckily, we're escaping it---I think!

Until next time,

Jess.....and on her way home from work Jessica. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Blahs...

Hello everyone!

Hope all is well in everyone's little worlds, as things are looking up for us (for those of you who know the details its been a rough start to the new year).

As the saying goes, "One door closes, and a window opens." This will hopefully hold true for whats in store for us in the next few months.

I was reading somewhere, or heard somewhere today that today January 17th (of every year) is the date when more people are diagnosed with Seasonal Depression.  Odd that its been pinpointed down to a specific day.

Pregnancy Timeline  <--this shows a small timeline of where Jessica is as far as the pregnancy is concerned. Since we were obviously wrong on the due date, and got that all cleared up; she is currently 12 weeks 4 days.

Not a whole lot new to post about. We're just your average, everyday family....with our own little quirks here and there.

I will, and I promise post pictures from Christmas next posting, if not before.

Until next time,

Jess....and an on the treacherous winter roadway Jessica

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year, New Triumphs and Challenges

First and foremost, Happy New Year to everyone from our Family to yours! We hope you have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011!

We rang in the new year fairly low-key, at home. The weather wasn't in our favor, so our plans had to be postponed to a later date with Jacky & Luke. Both Jessica and I figured since Jacky is also pregnant (due on my birthday :D)it was best for them to stay home since there was freezing rain and several accidents on the roads up here anyway. We decided to head off to the local WalMart with the kids to grab a few adult beverages and some snacks, then pick up Olive Garden to go and head on home for the dropping of the notorious NYC ball in Times Square. Kids went to bed, we enjoyed our dinners, and I started a fire in the fireplace, watched TV and chilled in our pjs on the couch. I enjoyed a glass of "snow-chilled" champagne while Jessica enjoyed a weak mimosa. That was our NYE in a nutshell. Maybe we're getting old, but it was a-okay with me.

Onto the good stuff; Jessica is still growing in the mid-section, and the almost nightly back massages have begun. She's been complaining of some nausea at around 2300 hours (11:00pm) and some foot arch pain. Maybe its time for some new tennis shoes? We ordered clothes from Old Navy with the gift card we got from her Mom and Step-Dad for Christmas. Her: new maternity clothes. Me: clothes I really was hoping and praying would fit, but I have to do a "lay on the bed and suck it in number" and a "damn! My button keeps popping open on my shirt!!" I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be gaining the "sympathy weight" much more with this pregnancy than the others.

She had her first appointment with Dr. Bell at Aspirus on Thursday, January 6. At her initial visit with the RN, she was told Dr. Bell would do a 'quick' ultrasound to determine if there was more than one baby. We get into the room, do our 'Hellos' and 'get to know yous' and then he says he'll do an ultrasound. She lays back, he gets R2-D2 out as he calls it, and places the wand (for lack of a better term) on her lower abdomen. He immediately sees the faint outline of ONE baby wiggling around inside. He can't get a good measurement, so he opts to use the trans-vaginal ultrasound. With this he still cannot get a good measurement. He states, "I don't think this is a 14 week pregnancy, I think I'm going to send you to ultrasound in the hospital." So, down we go. Wait another half hour, and finally are taken back. They do an early ultrasound to check for viability of the baby, and to do a measurement. Baby's FHR (fetal heart rate) was 163, and would not hold still for anything. It was like a Mexican Jumping Bean, all snuggly in the womb. The measurements were showin us a different due date than what we had originally figured, and been told which was July 5th. The new due date is: July 28th. Since Jessica has had two prior c-sections, Dr. Bell made it very clear she will have a repeat schedule c-section. Therefore, we can pick the date. We're unsure how early he'll want to go, but from what we know it could be up to two weeks before the due date.

A little shocking, yes, but at least everything is on track according to where she is at--11 weeks, 1 day today.

Her next appointment is February 1st, although we'll be updating before that time.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Jess--and an at work Jessica.