Us in Florida

Us in Florida

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Blahs...

Hello everyone!

Hope all is well in everyone's little worlds, as things are looking up for us (for those of you who know the details its been a rough start to the new year).

As the saying goes, "One door closes, and a window opens." This will hopefully hold true for whats in store for us in the next few months.

I was reading somewhere, or heard somewhere today that today January 17th (of every year) is the date when more people are diagnosed with Seasonal Depression.  Odd that its been pinpointed down to a specific day.

Pregnancy Timeline  <--this shows a small timeline of where Jessica is as far as the pregnancy is concerned. Since we were obviously wrong on the due date, and got that all cleared up; she is currently 12 weeks 4 days.

Not a whole lot new to post about. We're just your average, everyday family....with our own little quirks here and there.

I will, and I promise post pictures from Christmas next posting, if not before.

Until next time,

Jess....and an on the treacherous winter roadway Jessica

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