Us in Florida

Us in Florida

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February how time flies!

Hey Everyone! Sorry its been so long since we've posted anything, but with me starting a new job (yay!!!) and Jessica taking a few online courses it gets a little hectic around here. Not to mention raising three devilish children!

Time is just flying, hard to belive its already February 1st! Soon, hopefully sooner than we think or know the snow will start melting and the grass and trees will start to bloom. Can you tell by chance I'm sick of winter?

As most of you know, I'm not at the nursing home any longer. It was time to move on, although I miss the people I worked with and quite a few of my old residents. I've moved onto something I once enjoyed, and figured I'd try my luck at it again to see if the enjoyment was still there.

We're also venturing further and further into a passion we both share: photography. We've been thinking about going further with it, but don't know just the avenue to take, or the steps to take that avenue. We'll slowly get there though, and it'll take off like a flash of light (no pun intended!)

Jessica had an appointment today; I didn't get to go with because of work, but from what she has relayed to me, everything is on track! She gained 3 pounds, is measuring right on for where she is (14 weeks 5 days), and the heartbeat was 150 a minute. As stated in previous postings, Jessica will have to have a c-section because of her two previous pregnancies. Tentatively, Dr. Bell is considering July 21 as the D-day, this may change. I'm not sure how I feel about knowing the exact day our child will be born. I know it was that way with the twins too, and I got over it, but its still something I never imagined we'd be able to do. Her next appointment is scheduled for March 1st, and it will be the all-prevailing ultrasound to determine whether Teagan, Colton & Hayden will have a baby brother or a baby sister!

Here's a little blurb about where she is in her pregnancy journey:

~length3.5 in | 8.9 cm
                ~weight                                                            1.5 oz | 42 g
Now that we're in tri-two, are you ready to rock-n-roll?! Okay, okay, maybe just a little waltz will suffice, seeing as you're in a family way and looking like you need a nap.
At about 3.5 inches long, your peach-sized baby's little body and limber limbs are coordinated enough for loads of complicated motions.
In fact, it's very likely that they're in the middle of some fancy break-dance moves right now!
Unfortunately, you're not going to feel their fancy moves until sometime after week 18 because they're still too small to trigger sensations in your uterus. Their movements are recognizable on an ultrasound, though.
Speaking of which - you could schedule a gender ultrasound with your health care provider, if you're interested in knowing whether you're carrying a boy or a girl break-dancer. Or you can keep it a surprise till their birthday!
FYI: Weeks 16 - 18 are the first dates where the presence or lack of a penis and testicles can be clearly detected via ultrasound.
Your baby is also starting to develop the ability to move their eyes this week, although their eyelids remain fused shut for another three months.
Cute development of the week: their little hands can grasp at things and your wee babe can already suck their thumb!

Hard to believe its already that big! She said she thought she felt it move the other day, but it could have possibly been gas. Although, now that its her 3rd pregnancy, she's more in tune with her body and the feelings the baby creates.

Pretty soon we'll be taking weekly baby bump pics to post for all to see, whether she likes it or not!

Hope everyone is doing well, and staying safe during the Blizzard out there. Luckily, we're escaping it---I think!

Until next time,

Jess.....and on her way home from work Jessica. :)

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